Another thing that I need not say and you would already know is the present! How depressing is to see no Christmas presents coming in when someone visits you, right? Some may feel it's alright but a small gift will be more alright. *LOL* I wondered what are people most concerned about their gifts. Is it the gift itself--the $$, the design, the quality, the colours, the type you like--or is it the general appearance of the gift with good nice wrapping papers? But ultimately I think what matter most is the sincerity of the person. Anything else is just a "touch-up", I think so.
Since sincere is what is most important, I think a gift that is wrapped with some low-cost materials such as good conditioned, but unwanted posters, newspapers or even your glossy magazines can be up to good use. These materials aren't bad--they have their quality too. To me, Glossy magazines and posters are even better alternative than to use wrapping paper since they have good quality too and can be quite appealing too. See, the magazine that I used to wrap the box of gift? It's not too bad afterall, right?

Procedures in wrapping a gift using "priceless" materials and efforts.
I am quite like an environmentalist; I care for the environment and support many eco-friendly acts of our parts. Reduce.Reuse.Recycle. This 3 Rs are the golden Rs which we should always remember. So during Christmas this year, why not spend less on wrapping papers and even help to save the trees, environment and the earth? It's a WIN-WIN situation.
Here, I've some ideas on wrapping a gift. It must start with collecting raw materials like reused boxes (from the biscuits or other items), reused wrapping papers (posters, newspaper or magazines, etc), nice reused plastic/paper bags.

Newspaper, posters and magazines

Clean & Reused Boxes

Reusing plastic bags
These raw materials are all foc. Reusing these materials is a big contribution of saving the earth. It's so simple and beneficial. Try it out yourself and you would find yourself an artistic person! MERRY AND GREEN CHRISTMAS!
If you have any other ideas, do contribute here or in your blog and share your url. (=