Browsing and reading TODAY newspaper this morning and found 2 long articles on ECO-FRIENDLINESS. And dates for some important events are round the corners.

Reports on saving the earth and environment by minimising the release of CO2 (Carbon) emission has escalated recently. Global efforts have been raised to bring high awareness and encourage us to do something before it's too LATE. Co2 may seem to be a just a compound made up of Carbon and Oxygen but it's impact is tremendous and somehow unforseen by many.
Gases released into the atmosphere by human activity are forming an insulating barrier around the Earth, hindering the natural release of heat from our atmosphere. This is referred to as the greenhouse effect. That's why it is more humid and unpredictable weathers. And what it leads to? Getting sick.
Do you know that
- Flooding
- Severe Storms (In Singapore a few days ago; very extreme)
- Extreme hotness and coldness
are actually related to global warming? It's definitely not desirable. This global warming also affects agriculture. Meaning our vegetables and fruits will be doomed by the unpredictable extreme weathers and floodings! Now the link is obvious as food prices start to SOAR to new heights!
It is really shameful on those who really abuse their wealth by excessively using electricity for air-conditioners 24/7 without switching off. And the abuse of electricity when you are not using it makes you the shamest of the shame. You should never leave something on when you are not using it. Lights can be off in the night and save you up to hundred dollars in a year!
We could do apart in saving electricity at this point of time. JUST ELECTRICITY FOR NOW. There's so simple on one's part. And if everyone saves a little, it can accumulate into millions of dollars. And that's your benefit amidst helping to save the earth and environment. You may ask, "how about vehicles like cars, trucks, motorcycles?" Let's set a target for that in the years to come. Meanwhile LETS SAVE ELECTRICITY! Com'on we can do it, it's a piece of cake!
Hope that you will give your best support on Earth's Day. 22 April 2008. And World Environment Day. 5 June 2008.