(Courtesy of http://www.unwater.org/worldwaterday/flashindex.html)
The World Water Day falls on 22 March 2010!
UN-Water is dedicating the World Water Day 2010, which sees activities that aim to communicate messages on water quality, ecosystems and human well-being.
As noted currently the quality of water worldwide is declining, due to human activities of two levels--industrial and individual. Industries' chemical and waste discharge into the dams have greatly affected badly on the water quality, and individuals' carelessness for example littering is major cause for concern. Of course there are many other potent factors such as climate change and pollution which lowers the water quality.
Water quality takes on a broad definition as the ‘‘physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water necessary to sustain desired water uses’’ (UN/ECE 1995). Not only is water used for human consumption, but it is also a valuable source of hyropower. Ensuring good water quality is crucial and worthwhile for long-term fit consumption. We should altogether work towards a good water quality to help sustain healthy ecosystems or else these systems may be altered and cause abrupt changes. For instance, excessive nutrient loading in freshwater increases realm of possibilities of algae bloom and oxygen depletion in the marine waters.
It is important that we human beings not be selfish by not polluting waters. Treatments and restoration of water quality could be done, but it is also the responsibility of us to prevent recontamination of the water, as both processes are usually expensive. Adequate good water quality promotes the water purification provided by the healthy ecosystems itself.
Talking of water quality, distillation and reverse osmosis used in an attempt to purify water may render certain health risk. They both remove or deionise the ions or impurities in the water, and as a result some minerals especially magnesium is lacking in them. When magnesium is not fortified, it can link to higher risk of cardiac death, weakness and illness based on studies. (The Straits Times, March 20, 2010) As of this study, it is recommended to reduce consumption of distilled water especially from unreliable sources.
In summary, World Water Day 2010 themed water quality and ecosystem requires everyone's support.
http://ecostarox.blogspot.com/ supports this cause.