The above poster by Oscar Tee, 9. Interesting. Good Job!
And my version below:
where lives are made simpler
with constant improvements to our public transport system,
where trains and buses are made so accessible and convenient to us,
that we could reach our destination without much thoughts
where a majority adopts public transports
would rather love their rides to be joyful
than to be unhappy due to all sorts of negative actions or reactions
So let us all begin our trips today positively
and warm the hearts of other fellow commuters,
by embracing the graciousness and courtesy
through acts like giving up seats to those who need it more than we do,
through moving into gaps whenever possible,
through abstinence of food and drinks inside the public transports,
through abnegation of loud music or speakers that annoy others,
and through the acts of kindness on your part however you can,
Together, we keep our nation moving
towards a more beautiful city.
Let our initiative be felt! Gracious Singaporeans, we can be.
Join the “Make It Right For A Better Ride” Twitter contest and stand to win a pair of movie tickets! More details on http://on.fb.me/betterride